Saturday, 31 March 2012

the sun has got his hat on

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Thursday, 29 March 2012


Although lines and geometry are very important in composition, I'm not generally someone who gets butterflies seeing clean lines of buildings. I was proved wrong when I saw this building in Henrietta Place in the blazing London sunshine. Look at those lines! Look at those shadows! I love the austere concrete against the clear blue backdrop of the sky. Just goes to show, thinking you know what you like can sometimes close you off to a whole wonder of other beautiful things.
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Tuesday, 20 March 2012

tuesday's lovin'....orchids

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Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Introducing.....Tuesday's Lovin'

So I was thinking the other day that Tuesday is a bit of a non-day. Especially when you compare it to some of its more exciting days-of-the-week counterparts. Monday's bold and arrogant, he leads the rest of the week, in spite of being universally hated. Wednesday's got mid-week power at his disposal, he decides whether your good week turns to disaster or your bad week turns a corner. Thursday's the new Friday. Friday's a floozy. SATURDAY! Sunday cuddles you and makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. But what about poor old Tuesday? He falls in Monday's shadow, he hides behind Wednesday's might.

So I've decided to change this and make Tuesday a day of Lovin'. No, nothing sexual. Tuesday's the day when I celebrate something this world has to offer for no reason whatsoever. Just to bathe in its sweet loveliness. The other days of the week won't know what's hit them.

And so, for this first instalment, I introduce to you.....Tuesday's Lovin'.....BAGELS

God made man so he could make bagels. FACT.

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Friday, 2 March 2012

nothing says 'I love you' like....

...a bunch of yellow lilies and roses from your lovely boyfriend. The occasion? None whatsoever :)


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